This short online course will advise participants on pressure ulcer prevention. Topics covered on the day include; causes of pressure ulcers, risk assessment, and prevention of pressure ulcers.
Learning outcomes:
1. Discuss the causes of pressure ulcers.
2. Identify the factors that place a person at risk of developing pressure ulcers
3. Have an understanding of the key principles of preventing ulcers and be able to take action to prevent pressure ulcers in the clinical environment.
4. Have an understanding of pressure ulcer classifications and grading.
5. Have an understanding of the key principles of the SSKIN Bundle and how to implement it in the clinical environment.
Note: On completion of this course a certificate of attendance in a digital form and will be sent by email to each participant. Please note places are limited and must be booked in advance; you need a reliable computer and internet access and please ensure a correct email is provided when registering.