This new online programme outlines the core principles of best practice in managing risk, underpinned by the philosophy and care needs. At the end of the session participants will be enabled to: understand key terms and definitions related to risk management in healthcare; outline the stages of the risk management process based on the international standard and framework for risk management; outline the 5 steps of risk assessment; understand the purpose and maintenance of a risk register and complete accurate records of incidents for incident reporting. Ultimately, this programme promotes best practice with risk management and patient safety.
Learning outcomes:
• Understand key terms and definitions related to risk management in healthcare.
• Outline the stages of the risk management process based on the international standard and framework for risk management.
• Outline the 5 steps of risk assessment.
• Understand the purpose and maintenance of a risk register.
• Complete accurate records of incidents for incident reporting.
Reference Material:
Government of Western Australia, Department of Health (2019) Clinical Risk Management
Guidelines: A best practice guide.
Health Services Executive (2017) HSE Integrated Risk Management Policy Part 1 Managing Risk in Everyday Practice Guidance for Managers
Health Services Executive (2017) HSE Integrated Risk Management Policy Part 2 Risk Assessment and Treatment Guidance for Managers
Health Services Executive (2017) HSE Integrated Risk Management Policy Part 3 Managing and Monitoring Risk Registers Guidance for Managers
The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS), Risk Management and Quality Improvement Handbook. Sydney Australia; ACHS; 2013.