The purpose of short online programme is to promote a consistent approach to falls reduction for older people through assessment, individualised care planning and post-falls review. It promotes excellence amongst nurses who provide care to the patients at risk of falls, informed by current evidence. The main aim is to assist nurses to identify those patients or residents who are at risk of falls and to reduce that risk by providing knowledge on falls reduction techniques, ultimately improving patient safety and minimising injuries in the older population.
Outline of programme:
Falls within Healthcare Settings -Overview
Falls Risk Assessment and overview of Risk factors relating to falls in the older person.
Factors that may require assessment and review risk of fall:
Health & Mobility-Exercise
Rehabilitation and Care Delivery
Falls Management Interventions lOW/ Medium/High Risk of Falls based on risk assessment:
Post Management Falls -post falls review
Documentation and Reporting Procedure of Falls
Debriefing Model for Staff
Questions and Answers; Evaluations and Close
Note: On completion of this course a certificate of attendance in a digital form and will be sent by email to each participant. Please note places are limited and must be booked in advance; you need a reliable computer and internet access and please ensure a correct email is provided when registering.